15th September 1913 (Monday)

BORN  TODAY: in Bottendorf (now part of the city of Roßleben in Thuringia), Germany – Johannes “Macky” Steinhoff, WW2 Luftwaffe fighter ace and later a senior german military and NATO commander.


Labour Relations: At the Pomona Docks on the Manchester Ship Canal in England, the steamship SS Hare is stranded with a cargo of guinness bound for London (from Dublin)  after english dockers refuse to unload the cargo, in solidarity with their locked-out comrades in Dublin. Eventually a deal is reached that the vessel will be unloaded provided that it is then used to transport a cargo of food back to Dublin in support of the locked-out workers, a gift from the Congress of British Trade Unions.


Society and culture: At Exposition Park, Rochester, NY State, the “Standard Milch Goat Breeders CLub of North America” holds its first ever “Milch [ie milking] Goat Show”.  (“The goat will be the foster mother of generations yet unborn”).
